Home » WordPress DIY » How to Transfer your Website from One Hosting to New Hosting in 30 minutes
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Assured method, takes about 30 mins to transfer a 250mb website including downloading and uploading files from one server.
1. Login into your old cPanel account
2. Locate the file manager.
3. Once you have located the file manager click on that and enter into the file manager option.
“Once inside your file manager you will see the list of all the complete files that are there and which are currently making your website work the way it is working right now. We will now be taking a backup of all the files that are there in your file manager.
These include all your images, all the content that is there, all the videos that you might have stored on your website along with any and all the pieces of gold that WordPress has used to build your website.”
4. Inside the file manager, on the top you will see an option for select all click that, this will select all the files in your file manager.
5. With all the files select, right click and select the compress button, you will see that your cPanel will now start compressing all the files that are available in your file manager into one single zip file.
“Now how will you locate this file? This file you will usually appear, once all the files have been compressed, it is usually
same as the first file that is available in your file manager”
6. Right click on the file and click download.
This file could be a heavy file because it contains all your website images all
the pieces of code it has along with all the videos etc. Now once this file has been downloaded you need to keep it safe because this is your website’s full backup.
7. Now go back to the cPanel and locate PHP myadmin and click on it.
PHP my admin is the place where your websites databases are saved now since we downloaded your website’s full backup in Step number 6 we will now be downloading your website’s database. The file backup downloaded earlier and the database file that
we will be downloading now, work in tandem to make your website work the way the way it is working currently. Once inside the PHP my admin we need to locate the database your website is using currently. On your left hand side you will see a column, which is basically the list of all the databases that are present in your cPanel. Please note that all the databases mentioned on the left hand side are not being used simultaneously on your website. In order to locate the correct database your website is using we need to go back to your file manager.
8. Once inside the file manager we need to locate a folder called WP admin once inside
that folder we need to find a file by the name wpconfig.php
9. Open the file wpconfig.php locate the following phrases
a. Database name – this is the name of your database and this will be used to locate the
correct database your website is using currently.
b. Database user – this is the name of the user admin off your current database.
c. Database password – this is the password for your database, this secures your database.
10. Select and copy the three phrases and the values that are mentioned in front of them in a notepad file and keep them safe.
11. Now go back to phpmyadmin, and locate the database which has the same name as the one mentioned in the wpconfig.php file
12. Once you have located the correct database on the left hand side column, click on the name. You will now see all the tables present inside the database your website is using currently, opened up on the right hand side pane.
13. Inside the PHP my admin, on the top you will notice an option to select all click select all and then click export. On the right hand side bottom, you will see a button called go. Click that button and your and your websites database will now start downloading into a
single file with an extension .sql, keep this file keep this file safe.
Now after downloading both your website backup files and the database file, are work
related to your old hosting is complete, you may log out of it now.
14. Login into the cpanel of your new hosting.
15. Once inside your cpanel locate the application call file manager.
16. Once inside the file manager on the top you will see an option to upload. Click upload and start uploading your websites full backup that you had downloaded from the file manager in your old hosting.
17. What’s the upload is complete go back to the file manager and click refresh, you will see the file that you have recently uploaded. Now right click on the file and click extract, you will now notice that all the files have been extracted and are there in your new website hosting.
18. Now locate PHP my admin in your cpanel and access it.
19. Inside the PHP my admin there would be an option to create a new database click on
the same to create a new database.
20. Once the new database has been created on the top and to your right you will notice an option to import, click import and import the dot SQL database file that you had downloaded from your old website hosting.
21. Once the import is complete scroll down and you will see an option to create a new database user.
22. Create a new database user.
23. Now create a password for your new database, make sure you generate a strong new password.
24. Once you’ve created a new password for your database scroll down and you will see an option to add user. By clicking on that option to add user, you will now be adding the user that you have created recently to the database that you have created in Step no 19
25. Assign all privileges to this new user. Complete this step and come out of the PHP my admin.
26. Now please proceed to your file manager once again, inside your file manager locate the folder WP admin and inside the wp admin folder locate the file wpconfig.php
27. Inside this file, change the names of the following
a. Your database – it has to be the same name as the newly created database.
b. The database user – it has to be the same as the newly created database user.
c. The database password – this needs to be the same as the new password that you
created recently for the new database.
Make sure you are only editing the values of the three entities mentioned above without changing anything else.
We need to change the name servers to complete the website transfer from old hosting to the new one. To do this you will have to access your domain panel. Once inside the domain panel locate the DNS entries and find name server entries. You will need to take the new name server entries from your new hosting provider once you have those new name servers entries update them in the domain panel name server records.
Please note that it usually takes 24 to 48 hours for the name servers to migrate properly world over you can check if the migration is complete by visiting the following website https://www.whatsmydns.net/ enter the domain name inside this website and on the right side drop down choose NS.
Click search, if the name servers that you entered have migrated properly you will see that they are reflecting in the different server locations located in different countries all over the globe.
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